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EN 16350


EN 16350: 2014

EN 16350:2014 specifies requirements for protective gloves intended for use in an environment which contains or is likely to contain flammable or explosive atmospheres

The electrostatic properties of gloves are to be assessed by a leakage resistance measurement (in Ohm - Ω) .

Some definitions:
The ohm, symbol Ω (the Greek capital letter omega), is the International System (SI) unit of electrical resistance.
It was named after Georg Ohm, a German physicist who was the originator of Ohm's Law, among other things.
Resistance is the ability of a conductive material to resist the flow of an electric current at a given voltage.

Static electricity
This is an imbalance of charge in the material.
It is often accumulated more rapidly by friction (but also without friction) of insulating materials, by the transfer of electrons.
Thus one material receives electrons and becomes negatively charged and the other loses electrons and becomes positively charged.

• The glove contact resistance (or vertical resistance) shall be less than 100 megaohms (Rv < 1,0 x 10 8 Ω)

• Tests shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1149-2:1997 (clause 7).

• Tests shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of 23°C (± 1°C) and a relative humidity of 25 % (± 5 %).

• The tests shall be carried out on 5 samples, each of which shall meet the contact resistance limit.

EN 16350:2014 does not require any specific marking on protective gloves or pictograms.

The information on this specific standard and the results of the tests carried out shall be indicated in the leaflet accompanying the product.


EN 16350: 2014 does not address

- gloves for the protection of electronic equipment against electrostatic hazards (see EN 61340-5-1).

- insulating gloves for live working (EN 60903).

- Welding gloves (EN 12477).

Electrostatic properties alone are not sufficient to provide effective protection.

The user must be grounded with appropriate charge-dissipating footwear and on a floor that also dissipates electrical charges.

More information:  

Prevention of static electricity risks (INRS)

This information is for information purposes only and is not the responsibility of Singer Frères.