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EN ISO 374-5


EN 374-1: 2016

Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms.
Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks

Gloves against chemicals must resist against penetration (this is a movement on a non-molecular level of a chemical through materials, seams, pinholes, or other imperfections in a protective glove material) and permeation (this is a process which a chemical moves through a protective glove material on a molecular level).




 1     > 10 minutes
 2     > 30 minutes
 3     > 60 minutes
 4     > 120 minutes
 5    > 240 minutes
 6     > 480 minutes

3 types of gloves are defined according to the number of chemicals tested on a list of 18, and the breakthrough time.



      A           ≥ 30 min for at least  6 products  of the list (see below)  
B    ≥ 30 min for at least  3 products  of the list (see below)  
C     ≥ 10 min for at least  1 products  of the list (see below)  
18 chemicals are eligible to perform the test.
Each chemical corresponds to a letter.

  Code Chemical Cas n°


A  Methanol  67-56-1  Primary alcohol
B  Acetone  67–64–1  Ketone
C  Acetonitrile  75-05-8  Nitrile kompozite
D  Dichloromethane  75–09–2  Chlorinated hydrocarbon
E  Carbone Disulphide  75–15–0  Organic compound
F  Toluene  108–88–3  Aromatic hydrocarbon
G  Diethylamine  109–89–7  Amine
H  Tetrahydrofuranne  109–99–9  Heterocyclic Ether
I  Ethyl acetate  141–78–6  Ester
J  n-Heptane  142–82–5  Saturated Hydrocarbon
K  Sodium hydroxide 40%  1310–73–2  Inorganic base
L  Sulphuric acid 96%  7664–93–9  Inorganic mineral acid, oxidising
M  nitric acid (65% ± 3) %  7697–37–2  Inorganic mineral acid
N  acetic acid (99% ± 1) %  64–19–7  Organic acid
O  ammonia 25%  1336–21–6  Organic base
P  hydrogen peroxid 30%  7722-84-1  Peroxide
S  hydrofluoric acid 40%  7664-39-3  Inorganic mineral acid
T  formaldehyde 37%  50-00-0  Aldehyde

>> EN ISO 374-5: 2016

Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms.

Part 5: Terminology and performance requirements for micro-organisms risks.                        

Protection against bacteria and fungi

VÍRUS = with additional virus permeation test (ISO16604)

>> EN 374-4: 2013

Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms.

Part 4: Determination of resistance to degradation by chemicals

Degradation levels indicate change in puncture resistance of gloves after exposure to the chemical.

This information is given for information only and does not engage the responsibility of Singer Frères.