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EN 149


EN 149: 2001 +A1: 2009

Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles. Requirements, testing, marking

Provides performance and marking requirements and test methods for filtering half masks for protection of the respiratory tract against particles

FFP1 : protection against non-toxic solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations up to 4 x MAC/OEL/TLV, [i.e. NPF=4] or 4 x WEL, [i.e. APF=4].

FFP2 : protection against non-toxic and low-to-average toxicity solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations up to 12 x MAC/OEL/TLV, [i.e. NPF=12] or 10 x WEL, [i.e. APF=10].

FFP3 : protection against non-toxic, low-to-average toxicity and high toxicity solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil-mists) in concentrations up to 50 x MAC/OEL/TLV, [i.e. NPF=50] or 20 x WEL, [i.e. APF=20].

D: Dolomite-clogging test (increased resistance to clogging, small increase in respiratory resistance, longer life and comfort)

MAC = Maximum Admissible Concentration.
OEL = Occupational Exposure Limit.
TLV = Threshold Limit Value.
NPF = Nominal Protection Factor.
WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit.
APF = Assigned Protection Factor.

Requirements FFP1 FFP2 FFP3
Total inward leakage < 22 % < 8 % <  2%
Maximum penetration of test aerosol
(Sodium chloride or paraffin oil)
< 20 % < 6 % < 1%
Breathing resistance
- inhalation (30 l/min) < 0,6 mbar < 0,7 mbar < 1,0 mbar
- inhalation  (95 l/min) < 2,1 mbar < 2,4 mbar < 3,0 mbar
- exhalation (160 l/min) <  3,0 mbar <  3,0 mbar <  3,0 mbar

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