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EN 397


EN 397: 2012
Industrial safety helmet

This sets out the physical and performance requirements, testing methods and marking requirements of protection helmets for the industry.

The obligatory requirements apply to protection helmets for everyday use in industry.

Among the obligatory requirements are:

- shock absorption: a hard-hitting mass of 5.0 kg (+/- 0.1kg)  is dropped onto the top part of the helmet at a height of 1000 mm (+/- 5 mm),

- penetration resistance: a hard-hitting mass of 3.0 kg    (+/- 0.05 kg) with particular characteristics is dropped onto the top part of the helmet at a height of 1000 mm   (+/- 5 mm); it is to be noted if contact between the point and false head is found

- flame resistance

- Chin strap anchorage point

Optional additional requirements are applicable only when specifically demanded by the manufacturer of the helmet

- very low temperature - 20 ° C or - 30 ° C
- 400 V electrical isolation (c.a),
- projection of molten metal (MM),
- lateral deformation (LD).

This data is given for information only and does not engage the responsibility of Singer Frères.