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EN 795


EN 795: 2016

Personal fall protection equipment. Anchor devices
This document specifies requirements for performance and associated test methods for single-user anchor devices which are intended to be removable from the structure.

hese anchor devices incorporate stationary or travelling (mobile) anchor points designed for the attachment of components of a personal fall protection system in accordance with EN 363.



nchor devices include

fixed or mobile anchorage points.

They are used to connect

protection system elements

against individual falls.


Anchor device

A with one or more fixed anchor points
    requiring the attachment of one or more structural anchors.   
or fixing elements to the structure..
B with one or more fixed anchor points
and not requiring the attachment of a structural anchor
or more than one attachment to the structure.
C using a flexible belay device with a maximum angle
of 15° maximum to a horizontal axis.
D using a rigid belay device with a maximum angle
of 15° maximum to a horizontal axis.
E intended for use on flat surfaces
5° maximum from a horizontal axis.
(Performance related to its mass and surface friction)

Example for a type B anchor:

> Static resistance:
- For 3 minutes if the anchor is in metal: 12 kN
- For 3 minutes if the anchor is made of textile: 18 kN

> Dynamic resistance:
- Drop of a mass of 300 kg in factor 1, no rupture.


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