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EN IEC 61340


EN IEC 61340-4-3 : 2018

Electrostatics -
Partie 4-3 : Standard test methods for specific application - Footwear


All shoes standardized to EN ISO 20435 : 2011 (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5) are antistatic but they are not necessarily ESD.

An additional test is necessary, the EN  IEC 61340-4-3 : 2018 (Electrostatics – Standard test methods for specific applications – Footwear).

This standard describes a controlled electrostatic discharge allowing the protection of equipment.

The shoes conform to this standard are :

Dissipative : Shoes tested according to EN IEC 61340-4-3 : 2018 with an electrical resistance < 1,0 Ω x 108.
(see personnel grounding requirements as per EN 61340-5-1)

The electrostatic properties of materials depend on environmental conditions.

This information is for information purposes only and is not the responsibility of Singer Frères.