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EN 14387



EN 14387: 2004 +A1: 2008
Respiratory protective devices - Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s) - Requirements, testing, marking

This European Standard refers to gas filters and combined filters for use as components in unassisted respiratory protective devices.

Filters for use against CO are excluded from this standard.

Laboratory tests are included for the assessment of compliance with the requirements.

Some filters complying with this standard can also be suitable for use with assisted respiratory protective devices and if so they need to be tested be tested and marked according to the appropriate European Standard.


** Types :
Type A (brown) : against gas and organic vapours with a  boiling point superior to 65°c
Type B (grey): against certain gas and inorganic vapours  (excluding the carbon monoxide)
Type E (yellow): against sulphur dioxide , other gas , acid  vapours
Type K (green): against ammonia and organic derivatives of  ammonia..
These 4 types have a class number :

** Class :
Class 1: filter of little capacity.
Class 2: filter of middle capacity.
Class 3: filter of high capacity.

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