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EN 60903



EN 60903: 2004

Insulating gloves for live working

The standard covers all requirements for protection against electric current, and does not refer to other hand protection standards such as EN 388, EN 374.
The standard EN 60903 for electrically insulating gloves requires a revision.
The review shall be carried out at prescribed intervals.

  Voltage in use  

  Test voltage  

00 ≤ 500 Volt 2500 Volt
0 1000 Volt 5000 Volt
1 7500 Volt 10000 Volt
2 17000 Volt 20000 Volt
3 26500 Volt 30000 Volt
4 36000 Volt 40000 Volt

Protection class 00 and 0 - Gloves shall be visually inspected and tested for air permeability.

Protection Classes 1 to 4 - Periodic unit testing required at intervals of not more than 6 months (visual inspection, breathability test, insulation test).
In all cases, gloves shall be sold in individual packaging. The packaging must be sufficiently strong to protect the gloves from mechanical damage and UV radiation. 


This information is for information purposes only and is not the responsibility of Singer Frères.