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EN ISO 20344 -45-46-47


>> EN ISO 20344: 2012
Personal protective equipment. Test methods for footwear

Specifies methods for testing footwear designed as personal protective equipment.

There are 3 categories of shoes for professional use: 

>> EN ISO 20345
Personal protective equipment. Safety footwear
Toe protection against shocks equivalent to a level of energy equal to 200J and the risks of flattening under a maximal weight of 1500 daN

>> EN ISO 20346

Personal protective equipment. Protective footwear
Toe protection against shocks equivalent to a level of energy equal to 100J and the risks of flattening under a maximal weight of 1000 daN

 >> EN ISO 20347

Personal protective equipment. Occupational footwear
No specification about toe protection.

>> EN ISO 20344 
Personal protective equipment. Test methods for footwear

Besides of the general requirements, the shoes may comply with additional facultative requirements.

EN ISO 20345 : 2011
EN ISO 20346 : 2014

Class I ou II   SB: basic properties   PB: basic properties
Class I   S1: basic properties plus
  - closed backpart 
  - Antistatic properties
  - Energy absorption of the heel
  - Resistance to fuel oil

  P1: basic properties plus
  - closed backpart
  - Antistatic properties
  - Energy absorption of the heel
  - Resistance to fuel oil
  S2: like S1, plus
  - water penetration and water       absorption.

  P2: like P1, plus
 - water penetration and water   absorption.
  S3: like S2, plus
  - anti-puncture sole
  - studded sole

  P3: like P2, plus
  - anti-puncture sole
  - studded sole

Class II   S4: basic properties plus
  - closed backpart
  - Antistatic properties
  - Energy absorption of the heel
  - Resistance to fuel oil

  P4: basic properties plus
  - Antistatic properties
  - Energy absorption of the heel

  S5: like S4, plus
  - anti-puncture sole
  - studded sole

  P5: like P4, plus
  - anti-puncture sole
  - studded sole


EN ISO 20347 : 2012
Class I ou II   OB: basic properties
Class I   O1: basic properties plus
  - closed backpart
  - antistatic properties
  - energy absorption of the heel
  - resistance to fuel oil

  O2: like O1, plus
  - waterproofness

  O3: like O2, plus
  - anti-puncture sole
  - studded sole

Class II   O4: basic properties plus
  - Antistatic properties
  - Energy absorption of the heel

  O5: like O4, plus
  - anti-puncture sole
  - studded sole

Determination of slip resistance:

Marking SRA: Slip resistance on ceramic tile floor with SLS
Marking SRB: Slip resistance on steel floor with glycerol.
Marking SRC: SRA + SRB

This information is for information purposes only and is not the responsibility of Singer Frères.