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EN 407 : 2020


EN 407: 2020

Protective gloves and other hand protective equipments against thermal risks (heat and/or fire)

This document specifies requirements, test methods, marking and information for protective gloves and other hand protective equipment’s against thermal risks for professional use, consumer, domestic use.

This document is also applicable to arm protective equipment.

It is used for all gloves and other hand protective equipment’s which protect the hands or part of the hand against heat and/or fire in one or more of the following forms: flame, contact heat, convective heat, radiant heat, small splashes or large quantities of molten metal.

This document is only applicable in conjunction with EN ISO 21420:2020
This document does not apply to gloves for fire-fighters or welding that have their own standards.

The EN 407: 2020 standard replaces the EN 407:2004.
However, all certificates for gloves certified according to standard EN 407: 2004 remain valid until the end of their validity.

Main changes compared to the 2004 version

Abrasion performance level 1 according to EN 388 is no longer required. The gloves, on the other hand, must always obtain a tear resistance of 10N (i.e. level 1 of EN 388).

The so-called "burning behavior" test is now called "Limited Flame Spread".

Only gloves with resistance to this test (minimum 1) can now include the pictogram "protection against heat and flame".

Gloves which have not obtained any level or which have not been tested must bear the "heat and not fire" pictogram.

Gloves tested for "limited flame spread" and "large molten metal splashes" must have a minimum length depending on size. 

The other tests and performance levels remain the same.
Exception for the limited flame spread test: the flame persistence time is changed from
≤ 20 s to ≤ 15 s.

Note that the performance levels are based on the lowest individual values.

Are now included in this version, the thermal protection articles for private use (eg cooking gloves, pot holders, etc.) which are provided for in the new PPE regulation (EU) 2016/425.

A warning must be added in the information to be provided specifying that the gloves subjected to the "Small splashes of molten metal" test are not suitable for welding activities.

This data is given for information only and does not engage the responsibility of Singer Frères.